Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Where Will We Park?

Civil Engineer Team
We knew parking would be difficult and expensive, but now that I'm at that point in the project, reality is settling in.  I am still working on getting quotes for excavation and the retaining wall to create a driveway for parking, but our original plans of the driveway being about half the cost of the entire project is looking to be true.

I met with the team at the civil engineer office; we looked at our options and have realized what needs to be done.  And can I just say, another great addition to the "lovers treehouse" team.  Great people to be around and work with (extremely knowledgable within Crestline and they've have a foot in the door with the city for YEARS)  Good people to know ;)

A couple things that need to happen for the parking:
- Excavating into the hillside
- Approximately a 12' retaining wall

Overall Parking Concept

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Plotting Additional Tree's, Meditating, Good Day at Work

I've been heading to the treehouse land quite often these days and it's so nice to breathe and take time to meditate. With every breath and all the beauty around, I begin to feel restored.   Anything is possible and I find clarity in this sometimes crazy world;)

My last visit to the treehouse was to plot any additional tree's (around the new main tree) that could possibly work as secondary tree's.  Great visit and below is a picture of the tree's that had been surveyed as well as the additional tree's that can be used.  I wonder what the new tree's have in store for the new treehouse formation. So many options...

The highlighted circle is the new "Main Tree"

The local Grub & Whiskey never fails me with a good whiskey after a good day at work

Monday, February 2, 2015

Theatre Room, Meditation Room, All Encompassing Room!

The county requires this treehouse to be 735sqft, but we would really like to keep the treehouse smaller.  Through our travels and treehouse research we have realized a few things:

1. We love running wild in the outdoors and feeling one with nature
2. We defiantly appreciate modern amenities and technology

With that in mind, the treehouse will have indoor/outdoor living areas, it will keep the quaint space of a treehouse but additionally have a feel of a boutique/high end space with modern amenities and technology.   Lot's of wheels are constantly turning ;)

So how do we keep the treehouse smaller than 735sqft and stay on the good side with the county? I have proposed the idea of having an exterior staircase to another structure that would add to the 735sqft.  This idea seems to have been given the go and we are designing with this idea in mind!  Now we have the main structure as well as a 2nd structure.  The main structure will contain a loft, a bedroom, kitchen, lounge area, and balcony.  And what about the 2nd structure?
Exterior Stairs to Secondary Structure and yes we're looking good on this being allowed ;)

What will the 2nd Structure Be?
My husband being the techy nerd that he is has a theatre room in mind. (sounds great)  I  also have in mind a fort type space for quiet meditation (for when the outdoor elements don't allow us to be outside)  Combining these ideas, being open to new ideas, still not quite sure what this 2nd structure will be, but we're having fun creating it :)

Possible Meditative Space in 2nd Structure (for when it's snowing or raining outside)