Monday, November 28, 2016

Thoughts I have...

We received the 2nd review from the county; crossed off lots of corrections, and have about 10 more to work with.  Originally, we had 25 corrections so it feels like we're getting somewhere ;)  As time gets closer to build, I begin to think of how I will logistically be managing the build...  After managing The Gypsy Wagon build, I know I will have to be physically available to make decisions and keep the work flow going.  But how will I manage a 2 year old getting to daycare while my husband is spending the night at the fire station and Lovers Treehouse is 1.5 hrs away (without traffic)...

So... I don't quite have a solution, although I haven't put much thought into it either, but I did get side tracked and began to think of management work flow on site....  I like things done fast and efficiently (although "fast" has not been a word I would describe Lovers Treehouse so far...)  I need to finish daily work "to-do's" for my Real Estate Business (so I need a desk space for my computer) I also want to be able to step on site if builders have any questions (meaning my desk space should be on site)  And if my work space is going to be on site, why not just have my sleeping space on site as well?  My initial thought - I can build another tiny house... reality check - an added project that I'm not going to have time or space for.  Buuut, the tiny house idea is a good one - computer space on site, I'm available to builders and I can sleep there ;)

I began to search for tiny houses, and came across this site that has pre-fabbed homes.  The home, I'm looking at, takes about 3 days to build and I can build on a trailer (could be movable for future projects ;)

Thoughts I have...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Corrections Corrections Corrections

After a long journey of a Major Variance, we submit designs.  We we're expecting quite a bit of corrections from the county on this "not so conventional home"... Treehouse... and our expectations were pretty spot on.  Right around 25 corrections from the county is what we received... (sort of comical)  Architect and Engineer are on it and we are searching for a way to please the code, yet stay true to a treehouse ;)  Designs to come soon ;)

Friday, August 5, 2016

We Fired Our Parking Engineer...

So, yep that happened....

Bottom line - It was like pulling teeth to get anything concrete to submit to the county... and 1 day she lost it.

So here I am... singing in the car, stopping at fruit stands, heading to Lover's Treehouse site - feeling pretty light and breezy.  I arrive to the site, and the owner of the company (We'll call her Lisa) meets me there with an employee (we'll call him Dan)  Now, the owner has been known to talk bad about people here and there, but never foresaw the following...

I am up on the top/back of the lot, and I can hear a neighbor asking Lisa to be careful climbing the retaining because it is deteriorating.  Lisa must have been having a bad day because she instantly went off on this neighbor... (which really doesn't help our case, seeing that not all the neighbors are stoked we're building a treehouse)  Lisa began yelling at her, told her to "get," started shooing her away, called her a hillbilly...  and the words kept coming out of her mouth!  She got in her car, left angrily and left Dan behind.... I was in complete shock and knew I didn't want to work with that type of energy, nor did I want to bring that energy to the surrounding neighbors.  And so she was let go...

The happy ending:  We are now working with Kadtec and our contact has been on top of it!  Talking with the county, making things happen and will have a plan to us soon ;)

Till next time ;)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Parking Troubleshooting

In my job I have really come to be friends with " Mr. Troubleshoot" as he visits me on a daily basis.  Most recently "Mr. Troubleshoot" said "Your land it so steep, how are we going to get parking to work?"  The design drawn up for the parking was given to the engineer, to which the engineer said "This can't be engineered, let's take another look and see how we're going to do this"  Thankfully there is more than 1 way to skin a cat....  but when will this parking issue be resolved and submitted to the county??  Till the next update....

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sooo... What happened with the Major Variance?

You may be asking yourself; what is a Major Variance?

Short answer: Every city/county has a building code with rules and setbacks for building, remodling, etc.  If your build is not up to code, you can propose your idea (which is the Major Variance)  

Recap of our Major Variance: The location of the tree's that we are using are 8 feet from the property line and the county requires a 15 foot building setback.  This rule, has us applying for a Major Variance...

Since the last time I brought this subject up, we had sent 3 revised site plan's, hoping that the 3rd time would be our last and they would approve our major variance.  Good News: It was in fact our last revision and the major variance was approved! 

Now, on to perfecting engineered plans so that we may submit to the county and get on our merry way...

Monday, May 23, 2016

Inspiration is Everywhere

These days it feels like everything is inspiration... from the leaves on the ground to beautifully done buildings..  Check out our pinterest board for the treehouse along with other projects we're working on ;)

Lover's Treehouse Pinterest Board

Monday, January 11, 2016

Update on Major Variance

This major variance is just as expected (Very slow!)  Recap: The location of the tree's that we are using are 8 feet from the property line and the county requires a 15 foot setback.  This rule, has us applying for a Major Variance...

We have now sent 3 revised site plan's, hoping this will be the last.  (finger's crossed)  Below are pictures and comments from the county and Public Works.

pointing at tree that would need to be removed for parking....will it be removed?

Click here to see combined Comments from County and Public Works