Architect Designs are good, and we are ready to move forward.... we send our design to the city and we hit the next bump.
Needless to say, this project has some uniquness in many aspects. When we designed the treehouse, our initial way of thinking was to design according to the guidelines of a SFR (Single Fmaily Residence, a standard home) In our first meeting with the city (trying to convince the city to let us tie into the tree) the city agreed to let us tie into the tree if we followed the guidelines of an SFR. The main reason we would need to follow the guidelines of an SFR was because this would be the only property on the lot. If there had been another property on the lot, the treehosue would be secondary and we would not need to follow SFR guidelines. When we talked to our architect, he began to mention that building a treehouse, the size of a SFR would be far to big for the treehouse to be mainly supported by the tree. The minimum size of an SFR is 725sqft... He advised that we desing the treehouse and later go through the variance process.
When the treehosue design was emailed to our city contact, the bump arrised.... ugghh. We knew the bumps were on their way, so here we go. Nothing about the current treehouse design follows SFR guidelines. Our architect, (who knows treehouses ;) is being a big help when helping communicate with the city. We have been talking to multiple people within the city and once we get some good info we will be making our next move. Whether that requires to change the designs, add on, or go through the variance process. More to come...
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