Friday, June 6, 2014

Arborist Report - One Step Closer

We received the report from our arborist, showing that our tree's are healthy.  This was a big step that we were crossing our fingers on.  If the tree's weren't healhty, not quite sure what I would have done.  We will use the report at our next sit down with the city to show that a specialist has looked at the tree's and has given us the healthy tree go ;)

A few things we will need at our next sit down meeting with the city:
- Architect Plans
- Engineer Plans
- Arborist Report

Arborist Report - includes the summary of his assesment and gets into further detail.

1 comment:

  1. That's good to know! You could use this arborist's report to justify your reasoning to keep the trees. If there are no good reasons to cut them down, and they're entirely in your property, the city would be hard-pressed to find a way to say otherwise. Good luck!

    Melva Ullman @ MPDT
