Friday, June 20, 2014

Pretty Close to the "Final" Set of Blueprints

We've had so much fun working back and forth with Dave, our architect.  He truly is an artist who not only listened to our vision, but also was able to create it better than we could have thought it up ;)  He has a passion for creating treehouses and unique projects of these sorts; I have only good things to say about him. 

Below is an exterior picture of the treehouse to take a look at.  I have also attached a link of the full blueprints.  Soon, we should be receiving a 3D walk through of the treehouse, and I'll make sure to post on the blog for you treehouse fanatics ;)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Arborist Report - One Step Closer

We received the report from our arborist, showing that our tree's are healthy.  This was a big step that we were crossing our fingers on.  If the tree's weren't healhty, not quite sure what I would have done.  We will use the report at our next sit down with the city to show that a specialist has looked at the tree's and has given us the healthy tree go ;)

A few things we will need at our next sit down meeting with the city:
- Architect Plans
- Engineer Plans
- Arborist Report

Arborist Report - includes the summary of his assesment and gets into further detail.