Wednesday, February 19, 2014

City Proposal of Tying into the Tree's

Does tying into the tree, hurt the tree?  This was defiantly one of our concerns.  We don't want to harm nature, we appreciate it too much.  I began to do research as well as consulted with our architect/engineer.  After much research and reading through years of compiled reports from our engineer, we realized: Trees respond to imposed loads, adding both quality and quantity growth at stress points.  This occurs quite rapidly, even in one season.  Try that with your typical engineering materials ;)  With this knowledge, the next step was to set up a meeting with the city and try to propose the idea of tying into the tree's.  I had spoken to the city multiple times before and was told that a structure can not be tied into a tree... We had also been told by our architect and engineer that CA was one of the states they ran into the most problems when proposing this idea.  We had our work cut out for us...

Trying to get a hold of someone for an unconventional type of building in the middle of December (Holiday Season ) was not an easy task but once we got a meeting scheduled, I began to collect research to help back up the idea of tying into the tree's.  My husband and I arrive to the meeting a bit late (traffic...) We sit down with a safety and building contact and hope that us being late doesn't affect our proposal too much.  The chat begins and we hit it off.  Turns out, we're not the only one's excited about building a tree house.  James (safety and building city contact) has looked at the law in place and has taken it upon himself to do some research.  He finds a clause that works in our favor!  Something along the lines of, if we get a professional to inspect the health of the tree's, we are allowed to attach a structure.  Meaning, as long as we get an arborist to look at the health of the tree's, we're good to tie in!

Another obstacle down, now let's just hope our tree's are healthy...!

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