Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Getting Nerdy for Tree's

While in WA, I also met up with Scott (the arborist) and convinced Dave (our architect) to meet up with us (wasn't too hard)  The crew meets Scott at his office in Fremont and later cruise the streets in search for good drinks and eats where we can sit and nerd out on tree's.  While at Scott's office, I got to check out the equipment used to determine if a tree is in good health for a tree house (didnt' take pictures, but check out his website if your into tree's/treehouses and want to know more)  If your looking to build a treehouse, my team is pretty legit ;)

Out for drinks & nerding out on Tree's (left to right: Dave(architect), me, Scott (arborist)
The troll under the Fremont Bridge

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Trip to WA: Meet Architect... Meet "Treehouse Master's"....

I head to Washington to work (not treehouse related) but it just so happens that the treehouse world is here too ;)  
This time of year...
No water drought here...

I set up a meeting to finally meet my architect face to face (and I don't mean on Skype)  We decide to meet at Treehouse Point, where Pete Nelson from Treehouse Masters has built a wonderland of treehouses.
Treehouse Wonderland

Look Out Point on a Treehouse
Couldn't have been a better spot for inspiration, for David Fall (my architect) and I to finish the final touches on the final design (you know, after we realized we had more land, 4 tree's close to eachother and more secluded - this is a learning process)  Both my architect and engineer work with Pete Nelson in creating treehouses, so it was quite nice to have the hookup and have Dave set up a time for us to walk through the treehouses and the land!
Dave Fall (architect) - Odly enough, the treehouse in the back was my 1st blog post... coincidence?... I think not

After climbing into the treehouses, Dave and I sat down with a hot tea and figured out the finishing touches on our treehouse >>>>"Lover's Treehouse"  Handing off to Engineering SOON!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sort of Heard Back from the County

After a few months of waiting to hear back from the Major Variance with the County...
       Recap:  After we realized we had more land than we thought, we found 4 tree's that could create a 4 tree treehouse.  We made the decision to start from scratch and re-design.  Only problem was that our tree's are 8 ft from the property line and building setbacks are 15 feet....  We paid and put in our application for the Major Variance

Phew, so we turned in our application for the Major Variance a few months back (proposing our idea of building less than 15 feet from the property line) and we were in limbo for the past few months.  In that time, we have been finishing our design to get ready to send off to the engineer.  I have just begun receiving communication from the county (a few things needed to be changed on the site plan (see below)  Site plan has been updated, and we are now waiting once again....  fingers crossed!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Sneak Peak to Our Latest Design

So as you know, we are currently in the Major Variance process (which can take anywhere from 3-6 months)  In the meantime we are getting all our ducks in a row, so that we can be ready to move once we hear from the Major Variance.  It's been a while from my last post, so let's recap -  I've decided to move the treehouse location.  Once we realized we had more land, we decided to move the treehouse to a different set of trees (more secluded)  Originally plans were for a single tree, and now we are looking at a multi tree structure.  Check out our post preliminary plans (plans which are still being tweeked)  The link below gets you access to the full set of current plans ;)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Things Move Slow when pulling Permits...

After finding out that the tree's were healthy, our next red tape to cut came up... The tree's are only 8 feet from the property line and we need to be 15 feet from the property line.  In a nutshell this has been my thought process...

I could have either:

1. Continued with the design that was done on the original tree (treehouse would be closer and visible from the street)


2. After finding out we had more land and more trees, I could have moved forward with the new tree's.  This would mean, starting from scratch with the architect, arborist, engineer, etc.  (treehouse would be more secluded and tucked away.

Sooo, after considering the two options, we decided to go with option #2.  Now, with option number 2 we are incorporating some tree's that are real close to the property line (too close in the eyes of the county)  Which means, we must put in for a Major Variance.  This means, we can propose our idea to the county if we pay up a few $K.  This doesn't guarantee that they will move forward with our idea and let us pull permits, but defiantly worth the try.  The feeling I get when I'm in the new spot... I feel like I'm in another world.. our own little world.  If I'm going to do this treehouse, it's going to be done RIGHT ;)

Major Variance, can take anywhere from 3-6 months (ay ay ay, the county knows how to take their time)  But surprisingly enough, it works out well with our other life endeavors; It somehow always works out.  In the meantime, we will be working on the retaining wall, architecture, engineering and submitting all plans, so that when we get the go, we are ready to move.

Part of our land we didn't know we spot for treehouse ;)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Shea comes to Work with his Momma! Are the New Tree's Healthy?

Now, that we are changing the treehouse location, we need to make sure the new tree's are healthy enough to build on... up to the treehouse lot Shea and I go.  Not so happy car ride, diaper changes in the trunk, and hikes in the forest = Mom + Work.  All in all, Shea did pretty darn good; my son is pretty happy when surrounded by nature ;) 

I met the arborist on the lot and he looked at 3 tree's.  The outcome: 2 tree's were healthy, and 1 was not...  Based on that information, we are now looking at another tree that could work.  Soon, the arborist will be going to the lot to make sure the health of the tree is a go.

There a fun new concepts with a bridge and 2 structures that I will show pictures of soon ;)

Hiking with the dude
Hello World

Our Arborist - super knowledgable guy

Happy after a diaper change

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Where Will We Park?

Civil Engineer Team
We knew parking would be difficult and expensive, but now that I'm at that point in the project, reality is settling in.  I am still working on getting quotes for excavation and the retaining wall to create a driveway for parking, but our original plans of the driveway being about half the cost of the entire project is looking to be true.

I met with the team at the civil engineer office; we looked at our options and have realized what needs to be done.  And can I just say, another great addition to the "lovers treehouse" team.  Great people to be around and work with (extremely knowledgable within Crestline and they've have a foot in the door with the city for YEARS)  Good people to know ;)

A couple things that need to happen for the parking:
- Excavating into the hillside
- Approximately a 12' retaining wall

Overall Parking Concept

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Plotting Additional Tree's, Meditating, Good Day at Work

I've been heading to the treehouse land quite often these days and it's so nice to breathe and take time to meditate. With every breath and all the beauty around, I begin to feel restored.   Anything is possible and I find clarity in this sometimes crazy world;)

My last visit to the treehouse was to plot any additional tree's (around the new main tree) that could possibly work as secondary tree's.  Great visit and below is a picture of the tree's that had been surveyed as well as the additional tree's that can be used.  I wonder what the new tree's have in store for the new treehouse formation. So many options...

The highlighted circle is the new "Main Tree"

The local Grub & Whiskey never fails me with a good whiskey after a good day at work

Monday, February 2, 2015

Theatre Room, Meditation Room, All Encompassing Room!

The county requires this treehouse to be 735sqft, but we would really like to keep the treehouse smaller.  Through our travels and treehouse research we have realized a few things:

1. We love running wild in the outdoors and feeling one with nature
2. We defiantly appreciate modern amenities and technology

With that in mind, the treehouse will have indoor/outdoor living areas, it will keep the quaint space of a treehouse but additionally have a feel of a boutique/high end space with modern amenities and technology.   Lot's of wheels are constantly turning ;)

So how do we keep the treehouse smaller than 735sqft and stay on the good side with the county? I have proposed the idea of having an exterior staircase to another structure that would add to the 735sqft.  This idea seems to have been given the go and we are designing with this idea in mind!  Now we have the main structure as well as a 2nd structure.  The main structure will contain a loft, a bedroom, kitchen, lounge area, and balcony.  And what about the 2nd structure?
Exterior Stairs to Secondary Structure and yes we're looking good on this being allowed ;)

What will the 2nd Structure Be?
My husband being the techy nerd that he is has a theatre room in mind. (sounds great)  I  also have in mind a fort type space for quiet meditation (for when the outdoor elements don't allow us to be outside)  Combining these ideas, being open to new ideas, still not quite sure what this 2nd structure will be, but we're having fun creating it :)

Possible Meditative Space in 2nd Structure (for when it's snowing or raining outside)

Friday, January 30, 2015

More Info, More Focus

Always new info to be known and a great learning process for future unique developments ;)  Design is constantly changing, guidelines for a unique project are constantly being looked at further, proposing ideas to the county, and on and on.  I've learned so much while working on the treehouse:

- Timeline for a unique project takes a lot longer...
- I've learned what to have in mind when looking at a lot for creating a unique project (a few shortcuts)
- I've learned more about the county than I ever figured I'd know

And my civil engineer's (Boyer and Associates) grandaughter (7 years old) taught me a thing or 2:

Lesson Learned

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Tree's Are Calling...

After realizing we had more land than we thought, I was curious to see how our architect would take the news (having to re-arrange the treehouse to the new tree cluster... eekk)  Dave's response: The more tree's the better!  We like more Trees!
I gotta say, it feels good to be surrounded by such a great and like minded team ;)  With Dave on board, we continue to move forward and time is starting to move quicker than we thought.  We must start the build around March/April to finish before the snow season hits again....