On the Hunt (Pic from Time Magazine) |
We've decided we want to build a treehouse and we know the energy we want, but we don't quite have a lot.... The hunt begins. There's some criteria to our madness:
1. The property must have lots of tree's and 1-2 particularly strong tree's
2. We'd like the property to be close enough so that we can take weekend getaways
With this in mind, we began to look towards the mountains of San Bernardino area (Big Bear, Lake Arrowhead area) My parents had owned a vacation home in Lake Arrowhead so I was pretty familiar with the area which made the search a bit easier. While looking for lots in the area, I made sure to make various phone calls to the city to see what we could and couldn't build. I found the following obstacles:
1. If this was going to be the only structure on the lot, it would be considered a Single Family Residence (a home) and we would need to follow the building guidlines of a home... (this could get pricey)
2. We were NOT to tie a structure to the tree's... (this meant we we're going to have to get creative... attaching bridges to the tree's (instead of the home itself), having the tree run through the home, etc)